Our core values
Objectives In Detail
1. To provide holistic yoga therapy to people suffering from modern lifestyle diseases (non-communicable diseases):
Allopathy has its place in treating people with communicable diseases, surgeries, transplants, accidents, etc but has widely failed in treating modern lifestyle diseases like Diabetes, PCOD/ PCOS, Thyroid imbalance, Hypertension, Asthma, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Mental disorders, etc and is merely limited to managing symptoms of these diseases. Allopathy has also failed on several other accounts to include the cost of treatment, which is quite high making it out of reach for the masses living in India. In addition, in the process of treating a disease, it is instrumental in creating other diseases as side effects, making it a never-ending cycle. It is here that Yoga as a holistic science not only cures & treats people for their symptoms but also completely eradicates the root cause of the problem without creating any side effects and that too at an affordable/ negligible cost.
2. To impart education to the next generation of Yoga teachers for their overall development of skill, personality & employability:
These trained yoga professionals can then take this holistic therapy to the masses of this country at an affordable cost, bringing a revolutionary change in the country’s health sector in line with age-old wisdom drawn from our ancient yogic & Vedantic scriptures. Therefore, it will be our endeavour to create a large pool of these highly motivated yoga teachers. This will enable access to holistic healing at the doorstep of every household in the country.
3. To provide counselling & guidance:
Yoga is often misunderstood as a practice of asana & pranayama, but actually, there is a lot more to it. Yoga not only treats the aches of the body but also mends psychiatric disorders as also other stress-related issues by the use of special techniques & notion correction. Yoga helps find the root cause of the problem & rectifies a part of it by counselling itself. The present era of fast-paced life has left the majority of humanity without any patience & direction leaving us stressed & suffering from various lifestyle diseases. In all such cases, yogic counselling de-stresses & guides us to the path of recovery.
4. To do research in the field of Yoga & other holistic sciences for the betterment of society:
Yoga & other holistic sciences have been ignored or kept at bay for long, primarily for the lack of calibration or scientific research on the aspects of how it works on our mind & body as also the lack of instruments to calibrate the same. Therefore it is time we conduct enough research in the field of yoga to establish its glory & use this research for the betterment of humanity.
5.To provide space & opportunity for local healing practices to survive & grow:
There is a growing need to integrate local healing practices with yoga & other sciences to make them holistic in nature. It is also important since these arts & sciences are left with a few knowledgeable people & since these practices are not being passed on to the next generation, it will die down over a period of time. The efficacy of these practices can be calibrated, researched & then if found effective, more local people are trained & integrated into our healthcare system. A relevant example is Nadi Vaid which is an extremely effective diagnosis but rare nowadays.